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22306 Msbte model answer paper winter 2019


Submitted by admin on Fri, 03/04/2022 - 12:56

22306 Msbte model answer paper winter 2019

22306 Msbte model answer paper winter 2019 is given below for the ready reference of the students. Strength of material is core subject of Mechanical engineering.


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Question 1:


A) Write the formulae to find moment of inertia of semi-circular section about its xx and yy cnetroidal axes.

Solution :  Ixx= 0.11 R4  and Iyy=( pi*R4)/8


B) Differentiate between single shear and Double shear

SrCriteriaSingle shearDouble shear
1No of shearing planesOneTwo
2No of pieces of spiciment after failure in shearTwothree
3Formula to calculate shear areaArea= AArea=2A







3) Define Brittleness. Enlist any two names of Brittle materials.


Answer : Brittleness- it is the property of the material due to which it suddenly breaks without remarkable deformation when subjected to external force.

Examples of Brittle materials

Brass, Cast Iron, Glass, Chalk


4) Define Point of Contraflexure

Ans : It is the point along the length of beam where bending moment changes from sagging( positiove) to Hogging(negative) and Vice versa. It is the point on the Bending moment diagram where the BM line crosses zero.


5) State the relation between maximum shear stress and average shear stress for a solid circular section.

For solid circular beam section

Maximum shear stress= (4/3) * Average shear stress


Maximum shear stress= 1.33 * Average shear stress


6) Draw a neat Section to show core of a rectangular section of width B and depth D.

22306 Msbte model answer paper


7) State the condition for no tension at base condition.

Ans: For no Stress st base , direct stress should be greater than or equal to bending stress.


Question 2:


A) Calculate M.I. of a T section about the centroidal xx axis. Top flange is 1200mm and 200 mm and web is 1800mm and 200mm. Total depth of T section is 2000 mm.

Solution :



Q 2 b)  Draw Stress strain diagarm for ductile material with all salient points on it and explain the term ultimate stress.

Ans : Diagram below shows the Stress stain curve for the Ductile material.


Ultimate stress : It is the maximum stress developed in the material during the test.

It is given by ratio of maximum load to the original cross section area.


Q 2 c) For a certain material, modulus of elasticity is 169 Mpa. If Poissons ratio is 0.32, calculate the values of modulus of rigidity and Bulk modulus.

Solution : Using the relation between E and G

E= 2G(1+\mu )

169= 2G(1+0.32 )

G= \frac{169}{2(1+0.32))} = 64.02 \; \: MPa

Using the relation between E and K

E= 3k(1-2\mu )

169= 3k(1-2\times 0.32 )

K= \frac{169}{1.08} = 156.48 \; \:MPa

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