MSBTE timetable Summer 2018 UPDATES:
Msbte timetable final preparation process is going on. It involves releases of the tentative timetable. So that the institutes can report any overlap or discrepancy in timetable before finalizing the timetable. This timetable does not contains the dates. It contains days of the exam but it shows the DAYS like Day 1, Day 2....etc. Generally the summer exam is held in third or fourth week of the April every year.
Use the link at bottom to get your required Msbte Timetable summer 2018.The main use of this timetable is to know the duration of the exam and also the sequence of the question papers. This is very useful to the students for planning the studies. Further the sequence and the gap between two papers also helps the students to decide the study planning for the particular subject. I have attached an image of second semester subjects.
Day -1- Applied Mechanicsfg
Day-7- Applied Mathematics
Day-10- Engineering Drawing
Here you can easily see that there is gap of about 6 full days between the first and second paper. This is very useful in handling and planning the studies of the subjects. You can also observe that the gap between the second and third paper is also 3 full days. This information is very helpful in planning the studies in the exam days. This timetable may subject to minor changes, as if reported by the institutes or the students. Msbte has informed following regarding Msbte timetable for summer 2018 .
- All Affiliated Institutes, Heads of Examination Center, and Candidates are hereby informed to check the PROPOSED Time Table of SUMMER 2018 exam for clash of days, dates, slots / Missing Papers / Correctness of Duration for Examination, Paper Code , Name (Title) of Paper and intimate the discrepancies in timetable by email to [email protected] on or before 22/02/2018.
Check the link below to get your required timetable. Use the right corner rectangle and put the necessary data. When exact date of msbte timetable will be available i will update on this page also.
Tentative timetable for summer 2018 CLICK HERE
To view complete day wise timetable PDF file CLICK HERE
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