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17401 msbte model answer paper
SYLLABUS FOR THE SUBJECT Environmental Studies 17401
Topic 1: Nature of Environmental Studies
Specific Objectives:
---- Define the terms related to Environmental Studies
---- State importance of awareness about environment in general public
-- Definition, Scope and Importance of the environmental studies
-- Importance of the studies irrespective of course
-- Need for creating public awareness about environmental issues
Topic 2: Natural Resources and Associated Problems
Specific Objectives:
---- Define natural resources and identify problems associated with
---- Identify uses and their overexploitation
---- Identify alternate resources and their importance for environment
2.1 Renewable and Non renewable resources
-- Definition
-- Associated problems
2.2 Forest Resources
-- General description of forest resources
-- Functions and benefits of forest resources
-- Effects on environment due to deforestation, Timber
extraction, Building of dams, waterways etc.
2.3 Water Resources
-- Hydrosphere: Different sources of water
-- Use and overexploitation of surface and ground water
-- Effect of floods, draught, dams etc. on water resources and
2.4 Mineral Resources:
-- Categories of mineral resources
-- Basics of mining activities
-- Mine safety
-- Effect of mining on environment
2.5 Food Resources:
-- Food for all
-- Effects of modern agriculture
-- World food problem
Topic 3. Ecosystems
-- Concept of Ecosystem
-- Structure and functions of ecosystem
-- Energy flow in ecosystem
-- Major ecosystems in the world
Topic 4. Biodiversity and Its Conservation
-- Definition of Biodiversity
-- Levels of biodiversity
-- Value of biodiversity
-- Threats to biodiversity
-- Conservation of biodiversity
Topic 5. Environmental Pollution
-- Definition
-- Air pollution: Definition, Classification, sources, effects,
-- Water Pollution: Definition, Classification, sources, effects,
-- Soil Pollution: Definition, sources, effects, prevention
-- Noise Pollution: Definition, sources, effects, prevention
Topic 6. Social Issues and Environment
-- Concept of development, sustainable development
-- Water conservation, Watershed management, Rain water
harvesting: Definition, Methods and Benefits
-- Climate Change, Global warming, Acid rain, Ozone Layer
Depletion, Nuclear Accidents and Holocaust: Basic concepts
and their effect on climate
-- Concept of Carbon Credits and its advantages
Topic 7. Environmental Protection
Brief description of the following acts and their provisions:
-- Environmental Protection Act
-- Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act
-- Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act
-- Wildlife Protection Act
-- Forest Conservation Act
Population Growth: Aspects, importance and effect on
-- Human Health and Human Rights